Dear Friend,
We call you Friend, a friend of Newkirk, because you have shown an interest in our community and our success. It’s people like you who make a difference in this town, appreciate the value of small-town living, and enjoy the benefits of rural Oklahoma.
We’ve put together a choice of support levels this year for Main Street giving. It is our hope that you’ll find the right spot for your donation. Newkirk has some exciting projects going on right now, and we want you to join us in transitioning from “dream about it” to “make it happen”. You are the key to that success!
Our Friends of Main Street support drive is happening right now. You may make a single payment for your support level or set up monthly contributions beginning at the “Tiger Fan” support level. We’re offering electronic payments this year, for your convenience. Payments can be made online at, mailed to our PO Box #235 or dropped off at the office 116 N Main Street Monday through Thursday
from 9:00 to 3:00.
If we can answer any questions about the program or the support levels, please give us a call at 580-362-2377. We appreciate you and want to be your Main Street Partner!
Organization Committee
Newkirk Main Street Inc.
Newkirk Main Street
116 N. Main, PO Box 235, Newkirk, OK 74647, US